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© UNFPA Botswana

Capitalizing on Botswana’s Young People


This report synthesizes the key findings of an evidence brief prepared by the Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Cape Towns School of Economics in 2020. It was commissioned by the UNFPA, with the support and collaboration of the Government of Botswana, and focuses on Botswana’s youth, aged 15 to 35. The aim is to provide evidence to support policy actions that will maximize the advantages of having a youthful population (median age is 24) and contribute to the well-being of all citizens. Consequently, this brief examines four important youth-related areas in terms of capitalizing on the demographic dividend: fertility, education, health, and the labour market.

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© UNFPA Botswana

Preparing for an Ageing Society in Botswana


This report synthesizes the key findings of an evidence brief prepared by the Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Cape Town’s School of Economics in 2020. It was commissioned by the UNFPA, with the support and collaboration of the Government of Botswana, to explore the process of population ageing expected to occur in Botswana, drawing from national population projections and earlier work on Botswana’s demographic dividend. Using updated estimates of the economic life cycle in Botswana, it presents the first estimates of the potential second demographic dividend for Botswana and examines five key issues related to population ageing and their implications for policymakers: labour market attachment among older cohorts; financial provision for old age; household welfare; the challenge of healthy ageing; and concerns around fiscal sustainability.

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© UNFPA Botswana

Botswana 2022 Voluntary National Review Report


Given the importance the Government attaches to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, the decision to conduct a second VNR was unanimously made by the National Steering Committee (NSC) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during its June 2021 session. The report is a collaborative effort of different agencies involved in the implementation of the SDGs and the government. While the Ministry of Finance (MoF) was responsible for the overall preparation of the report, it was supported by several line ministries, the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), as well as the Resident Coordinator's Office (RCO). 

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Motherhood in Childhood: The Untold Story

Motherhood in Childhood: The Untold Story


This report examines trends in adolescent childbearing using techniques that focus on the most vulnerable girls, such as child mothers, girls with repeat adolescent childbearing, and births that occur in dangerously quick succession. In using these new measures, it uncovers the untold story of more than 50 years of adolescent childbearing in the world’s low- and middle-income countries.

The new measures reveal that the issue is not just about whether or not a girl gives birth in adolescence but if, when and how many births she experiences. That is, adolescent childbearing comprises three fundamental and interconnected fertility processes: (i) the timing of a first adolescent birth, (ii) the spacing between adolescent births and (iii) the quantity or total number of births to each adolescent mother.

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Accelerating Progress Towards Contraception For All

Accelerating Progress Towards Contraception For All


This Policy Brief stems from key findings and recommendations of a strategic assessment on unintended pregnancy, contraception and unsafe abortion in Botswana. The Strategic Assessment was completed in 2020 as the first of three stages in the WHO-sponsored Strategic Approach to Strengthening Reproductive Health Policies and Programmes. The main aim of the Strategic Assessment was to identify and prioritise needs and potential follow-up actions related to critical sexual and reproductive health issues, specifically: the reduction of unintended and unwanted pregnancies; the unmet need for contraception; morbidity and mortality related to the unsafe termination of pregnancy; and the integration of HIV and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence.

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A multifaceted approach to prevent unsafe abortion

A multifaceted approach to prevent unsafe abortion


This Policy Brief stems from key findings and recommendations of a strategic assessment on unintended pregnancy, contraception and unsafe abortion in Botswana. The Strategic Assessment was completed in 2020 as the first of three stages in the WHO-sponsored Strategic Approach to Strengthening Reproductive Health Policies and Programmes. The main aim of the Strategic Assessment was to identify and prioritise needs and potential follow-up actions related to critical sexual and reproductive health issues, specifically: the reduction of unintended and unwanted pregnancies; the unmet need for contraception; morbidity and mortality related to the unsafe termination of pregnancy; and the integration of HIV and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence.

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Reducing Unintended Pregnancy

Reducing Unintended Pregnancy


This Policy Brief stems from key findings and recommendations of a strategic assessment on unintended pregnancy, contraception and unsafe abortion in Botswana. The Strategic Assessment was completed in 2020 as the first of three stages in the WHO-sponsored Strategic Approach to Strengthening Reproductive Health Policies and Programmes. The main aim of the Strategic Assessment was to identify and prioritise needs and potential follow-up actions related to critical sexual and reproductive health issues, specifically: the reduction of unintended and unwanted pregnancies; the unmet need for contraception; morbidity and mortality related to the unsafe termination of pregnancy; and the integration of HIV and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence.

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Botswana: Investment Case Towards Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning

Botswana: Investment Case Towards Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning


Botswana is an upper-middle-income country with a population of about 2.2 million people. The country has enjoyed good governance, a stable and democratic government, and a sustained high economic growth of about 9 per cent for two decades between 1975 and 1996. Growth however slowed down to an average of 3.9 per cent between 2009 and 2016. One of the aspirations of Botswana as expressed in the national policy document, Vision 2036, is to graduate from an upper-middle-income country to a high-income country with increased prosperity for its people by 2036.

Since 1973, the Government of Botswana has shown a strong commitment to family planning by integrating sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and sexually transmitted infections (STI) services into the health system.

This study estimates the investment and the impact of scaling up coverage of modern contraceptive methods among married/in-union women aged 15-49 years in Botswana within a time frame of ten years (2020-2030). The goal is to reduce unmet need for family planning among women, from 17.3 per cent in 2020 to 8 per cent or less by 2030.

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A Snapshot of UNFPA Botswana in 2021

Annual Report

The 2021 Highlights provide a snapshot of UNFPA’s work and progress in 2021, as we continue to work in support of the Government of the Republic of Botswana, and with our partners, to deliver on our collective vision for 2030. A better and more equal world for women and young people; a world where every woman and young person has control over their bodies and real rights and choices.

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Seeing the Unseen

Seeing the Unseen

State of World Population Report

Half. That’s the share of all pregnancies that are unintended. Nothing is more fundamental to bodily autonomy than the ability to decide whether or not to become pregnant. Yet for too many, the most life-altering reproductive choice is no choice at all. Women are more likely to experience an unintended pregnancy when they have fewer choices and less power.

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