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© UNFPA Botswana

Prevention and Management of Gender-Based Violence: A Guide for Health-Care Providers


This Guideline for health-care workers is an update of the previous protocols and service standards, which were developed in 2011. The revised Guidelines are aligned with the current national legal, policy, institutional and implementation frameworks; and adaptations to regional and global standards for strengthening GBV response and its integration in SRH and HIV services. The Guideline is anchored on three main thematic areas of focus, namely Prevention, Response and Management of GBV, and highlights key guiding principles of safety, confidentiality, respect, non-discrimination and honesty. The Ministry of Health presents this document as a guiding tool in its continuing efforts to integrate the prevention and management of GBV into Sexual and Reproductive Health Services.

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Interwoven lives, threads of hope - State of the World Population report 2024

State of World Population Report

UNFPA's State of World Population Report 2024, Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope: Ending inequalities in sexual and reproductive health and rights, highlights the role racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination continue to play in blocking broad gains in sexual and reproductive health for women and girls. The data are damning. Women and girls who are poor, belong to ethnic, racial and indigenous minority groups, or are trapped in conflict settings, are more likely to die because they lack access to timely health care.

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Unlocking the Future: Advancing Universal Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights within Universal Health Coverage in East and Southern Africa


In the past 20 years, progress has been made towards universal sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region. However, millions still lack universal access to comprehensive SRHR in the ESA region, which includes 23 diverse countries with over 670 million people, of whom nearly one-third are between 10 to 24 years of age.

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© UNFPA Botswana

UNFPA Botswana 2023 Annual Report

Annual Report

This snapshot encapsulates our collective efforts with partners and the Government of Botswana to shaping a brighter, more inclusive, and equitable future for all, as we continue to advance the sexual and reproductive health and rights of everyone in Botswana.

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Empowering Millions: How the Safeguard Young People Programme (2013-2023) Catalysed a Decade of Change for Young People in East and Southern Africa


Imagine an East and Southern Africa where young people thrive, where all adolescents and young people aged 10 to 24 are healthy, productive and empowered. This is the vision of the Safeguard Young People programme, which works with youth to equip them with comprehensive knowledge and skills relating to their sexuality, rights and health-seeking behaviours. Its goal is to ensure that young people are free from sexually transmitted infections including HIV, unintended pregnancies, child marriages and gender-based violence. At the heart of the programme is the belief that young people need to be supported holistically in their own diverse and often complex environments so they can make informed decisions and realize their full potential.

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8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities: The case for rights and choices

State of World Population Report

The State of World Population report is produced by a panel of external advisers, researchers and writers, who work alongside UNFPA technical staff and editors, bringing the insights of leading independent experts together on issues related to the UNFPA mandate. This report explores how people — the general public, policymakers, academics and others — understand current population trends, and how those views can impact sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Visit the interactive here.

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© UNFPA Botswana

UNFPA Botswana 2022 Annual Report

Annual Report

This booklet highlights the achievements made by the country office in 2022 towards the realization of the transformative results, under the leadership of the Government of Botswana in collaboration with technical and financial partners and civil society organizations.


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What Works in HIV Prevention? Promising Practices from East and Southern Africa


The elation that greeted the discovery of vaccines against COVID-19 in 2020 recalls the hope unleashed in the early 2000s when antiretrovirals (ARVs) became available worldwide at affordable prices. Neither of these two notable scientific breakthroughs is a silver bullet against the two viruses (HIV and SARS-CoV-2) but both help prevent death and disease.

ARV treatment was a game changer. By 2015, the global mass cascading of ART allowed the United Nations to commit to ambitious targets.

There is no time to lose if the region is to meet the 2025 targets for HIV prevention. With this goal, UNFPA has collected examples of successful interventions for HIV prevention in Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia and Uganda. Each section ends with a selection of evidence-based priority actions from the UNFPA East and Southern Africa Strategy to End HIV.

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Investing in three transformative results: Realizing powerful returns


This research publication shares the economic returns in investing in transformative results committed by UNFPA: ending unmet need for family planning; ending preventable maternal deaths; and ending harmful practices.

Overall, the research shows that investing in UNFPA transformative results brings powerful returns by 2050. The research publication also highlights the specific cost benefit ratios in investing in these results.

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We Matter. We Belong. We Decide. UNFPA Disability Inclusion Strategy 2022 - 2025


UNFPA works to ensure persons with disabilities are leading efforts to make the world more inclusive and are championing equal rights and a life free from violence. The UNFPA Disability Inclusion Strategy puts persons with disabilities at the very centre of everything UNFPA does. Disability inclusion means making the work of UNFPA stronger by ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. Focusing on the rights of persons with disabilities supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially the principle of “leaving no one behind” (LNOB) and “reaching the furthest behind” (RFB), this strategy aligns with the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy (UNDIS) as well as the UNFPA Strategic Plan, 2022–2025. Disability inclusion matters because it contributes to all UNFPA transformative results. 

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