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Consultancy to revise the Safe abortion guideline

Consultancy to revise the Safe abortion guideline

Gaborone, Botswana

Consultancy- International


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UNFPA Botswana Country Office is seeking the services of a qualified international consultant to review and update the CPAC Guideline/Manual which is to provide concrete information and guidance, integrating aspects of care across all domains needed to provide quality abortion care at all stages, aligned to the WHO Comprehensive Abortion Care Guidelines of 2022.
To review and update the CPAC Training Manual, aligning it to the updated CPAC Reference Manual. The training Manual is intended for use in building capacity of health care workers, and will serve to enhance the knowledge base and skills of health care providers to provide quality comprehensive abortion care.

The general scope of work encompasses facilitating a consultative and inclusive process that is well informed by experience, as well as available relevant and contextual literature, to review and update the CPAC Manual/Guideline, aligning it with and guided by the WHO Comprehensive Abortion Care Guideline of 2022. The Guideline will also draw from other best practices backed by evidence.  The review and update of the Training Manual will be aligned to the updated CPAC Guideline, and follow principles consistent with training methodologies used for building health care provider competencies in CAC, taking into account the context of Botswana. The Scope of work includes the following tasks.

  • Prepare an inception report that details out an activity schedule, and proposes a methodological approach.
  • Undertake a desk review of existing related documents including the 2 documents that are being updated as well as the WHO Comprehensive Abortion Care Guidelines of 2022. Guidance from international sources and similar documents from other countries should be utilized as benchmarks during these sessions. Establish an understanding of the health care system in Botswana to ensure that context has been taken into consideration.
  • Facilitate the review and update processes by working with the Technical Working Group through  workshops and working meetings, to share context, knowledge and experiences.
  • Consult with stake-holders for other key considerations which may be viewed as enabling to the intentions of the guideline and Training Manual.
  • Guided by the WHO Comprehensive Abortion Care Guidelines of 2022, conceptual a framework for abortion care, recommendations and core elements, use new evidence including new developments and changes in SRH health care delivery including the introduction of integrated SRHMNCAH service delivery to generate relevant CPAC Guideline and Training Manual.
  • Identify gaps and emerging operational and policy issues that need updating or rearranging in the guide as a basis for consultations with relevant policy makers, program managers and implementers to ensure that the final guideline is aligned to relevant implementation frameworks. 
  • The Guideline should include guidance on what, how, by whom and in which facilities services can be provided. This will provide clarity on the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders involved in access to abortion care services.
  • Develop an algorithm for management of different types of abortions .
  • Review the related legal instruments to take into account legal limitations imposed by the restrictive abortion law which imposes limited availability of safe abortion care and post-abortion services.
  • The training Manual should be well illustrated with key messages. Provide oversight for the design, layout: Illustrations typesetting/ formatting and produce print-ready documents.
  • Work with the Graphic Designer and oversee the inclusion of illustrations and designs to facilitate user friendly outputs.
  • Include in the training manual, a concise mentorship and supportive supervision guide for integration into the integrated SRHMNCAH service delivery supportive supervision guide. 
  • Include pre- and post-test electronic assessment tools (both pre and post-test in an electronic form, more like a survey, with a link to be shared with participants) they undertake it and it shows each of them their results). 
  • Also include a session on value clarification.
  • Update Slide deck ( Power point presentations) for CPAC training.
  • Facilitate 2 validation meetings (One for the CPAC Guideline, the other for the training Manual), including developing meeting agenda and facilitation tools.
  • Incorporate feedback and finalize the CPAC National Guidelines and Training Manual.

Qualifications, competencies and experience
Academic qualifications
a) The candidate will have a minimum qualification of a Master’s Degree or equivalent, in a Public Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health or Maternal Health Programming, Medicine/ Obstetrics/Gynecology, Midwifery or related field.

Experience and competencies
b) A minimum of 10 years’ working experience, at least five of which should have been in the SRH field.
c) At least 2 years’ experience developing curriculum, training materials or teaching guides and delivering training to health service providers.
d) Demonstrated Knowledge and practical experience in SRHR, HIV, GBV and sound technical experience in sexual and reproductive health programming, particularly around maternal health at a systems or implementation level is required.
e) Significant knowledge and understanding of issues relating to abortion programming, service provision and quality of care.
f) Familiarity with CAC guidelines such as safe abortion, Family Planning (FP), and PAC guidelines will be an advantage.
g) Experience coordinating with multiple stakeholders in an international environment.
h) Demonstrated ability to manage converging priorities and complete tasks efficiently, whilst delivering high-quality products under tight deadlines.
i) Good technical writing including proof reading skills and verbal communication in English.

See the attached Terms of Reference for more details.

How to apply: Applications should be sent electronically to recruitment.bw@unfpa.org with the subject: TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL PROPOSAL: Consultancy to revise the Safe abortion guideline no later than 19 June 2024. Any proposal received after this date/time OR sent to another address will not be considered.