Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA Executive Director
For humanity to progress, people must be counted, wherever they are and whoever they are – in all their diversity. To end inequality, to find and grow peace and prosperity, to weave more threads of hope, the world needs to do more for inclusion. To go uncounted is to be made invisible and, as a result, left unserved. This contributes to a 10-year-old girl being left with no health care when she is displaced during c...
The health care professionals who attended the training of trainers. © UNFPA Botswana
Over 30 healthcare professionals; general nurses, midwives, family nurse practitioners and social workers representing various districts, are better equipped to respond to gender-based violence in the healthcare sector. The United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA) partnered with the Ministry of Health to conduct a week-long training of trainers to reorient them on the revised protocol, renamed “Prevention and Manageme...
© UNFPA Botswana
This Guideline for health-care workers is an update of the previous protocols and service standards, which were developed in 2011. The revised Guidelines are aligned with the current national legal, policy, institutional and implementation frameworks; and adaptations to regional and global standards for strengthening GBV response and its integration in SRH and HIV services. The Guideline is anchored on three main th...

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