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This is a summary of the report on the rapid assessment of the Government of Botswana / United Nations Population Fund (GoB/UNFPA) 6th Country Programme covering all interventions at a national and subnational level between 1 January 2017 and 30 September 2020. The assessment aims to enhance UNFPA accountability and inform the design of the next country programme by identifying the enablers and barriers to implementation, the lessons learned, and recommendations to consider for the next programme. The assessment was structured around the two evaluation criteria of effectiveness and relevance. A mixed-methods approach was used, including a review of strategic planning documents, national policy and planning documents and products of the 6th Country Programme and performance review reports. Data triangulation was conducted through key informant interviews and focus group discussions guided by the evaluation questions. Stakeholders were selected according to the criteria stipulated in the UNFPA Handbook for Evaluation 2018 and included the country office team, some of UNFPA’s key partner ministries, including the ministries of Health and Wellness (MoHW) and Finance and Economic Development (MFED), young people, academia, and civil society organizations.